Friday 4 October 2013

Jex and Friends

Zoology Assignment 2 :-

  1. Give detail account on Arborial & Volant adaptation.
  2. Describe structure position & function of liver & lung.
  3. Describe nervous system of earthworm.
  4. Write a short note on :- (i) Gir national park.                                                            (ii) Marine national park.
  5. Write a short note on :- (i) Barda wildlife sanctuary.                                                  (ii) Khijadiya bird sanctuary.
  6. Give a detail account on types of migration of birds.
  7. Write difference between cartilagilous fish & bony fish.
  8. Short note on :- Types of scales in fishes.
  9. Describe any two type of fishing boats & nets.
  10. Write short note on :- Endoplasmic recticulum. 

Last date of submission of assignment 1:-07/10/2013

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