Friday 27 September 2013

New one.

Jex and Friends

Zoology assignment problem :-

You can solve your difficulties from here,

1.     for about this question mem will give you guidance for how to write ans in your practical. 

Exam time-table :-

Batch no. :-

Batch time-table :-

Practical time-table :-

Thursday 12 September 2013

Physics Assignment.

Jex and Friends

-: Assignment of Physics :-

Assignment 1 :-
  1. Explain restoring force in one dimension.
  2. Explain potential due to solid sphere.
  3. Discuss failure of classical mechanics.
  4. Explain elastic modulus in detail.   

Assignment 2 :- 
  1. Explain conservation of linear momentum & center of mass.
  2. Write Kepler's law & give their proof.
  3. Write note on  :- Vector atom model,                                                                       :- Atomic-Excitation & critical potential
  4. Derive relation between Y,K,n & 6.

Note :- Last date of submission 18/09/2013 

©copyrights are reserved by Jex and Friends,2013.

Tuesday 10 September 2013


Jex and Friends

English assaiment :-

 You need to write any two summary of this three stories.
  1.  The nightingale and the rose 
  2.  Quality
  3.  The fly

For hint you can download summary in pdf from this links. :-

  1. write difference between Absorption & Adsorption.
  2. write difference between physisorption & chemisorption.
  3. explain : ionization energy of nitrogen is more than oxygen.
  4. explain hund's rule. give suitable example.
  5. define : homolytic fission & heterolytic fission in detail.
  6. what are reaction intermediates? Explain : nitrene & benzyne   intermediates.
  7. define : cycloalkane & give four example of them.
  8. what is standard solution? write method of preparing of standard solution of sodium thiosulphate.
  9. how many gms of NaOH is required to prepare 0.02M 500ml solution?
  10. explain valance bond theory in detail.
  11. explain SP hybridization with suitable example.
  12. give the IUPAC nomenclature for following structure in this picture.  

©copyrights are reserved by Jex and Friends,2013.

Sunday 8 September 2013


 Jex and Friends

Exam's time-table is arrived........
cheak it out
©copyrights are reserved by Jex and Friends,2013.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Jex and Friends

Jex and Friends

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  • Deep Jethva
  • Amin Safiya
  • Prashant Kubavat
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